Write for The Pinoy Warrior

Write for the Filipino Culture. All you need is to be yourself and the love being a Filipino. 

There are many aspects of our culture that are very interesting. We have a rich history, rich heritage, and rich natural resources distinct from others. Even our very behavior, thoughts and sentiments are uniquely remarkable. So as long as its about our culture and has a story to tell, it deserves a place here at The Pinoy Warrior. Send whatever you wrote, a drawing you made, a photo you've taken or thoughts about our culture to owner@thepinoywarrior.com and contribute to making the Filipino Culture more known.

We will moderate all contributions. You will be credited in your contribution and a link back to your site can be provided if approved.

Let everyone know how it is to be Pinoy. Let us give other Pinoys more reasons to be proud being a Filipino.